Monthly Archives: May 2009

CIHR using OSS for learning modules

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) recently unveiled three knowledge translation learning modules, the first of their new CIHR Online Tutorial courses.

I don’t know much about the background or driving force behind creation of these modules, but from the website it looks like the plan is to develop learning tutorials in several categories, with KT leading the pack.

CIHR has been a Canadian leader in encouraging Open Access to research outputs, and I was pleased to notice that they are also showing leadership in using Open Source Software, as the Learning Modules are run with the open source course management software Moodle.

I use Moodle in some classes I teach, and my non-systems-administrator perspective is that while it’s not perfect, it’s no harder/more frustrating to use, and certainly more versatile than proprietary software packages such as Blackboard or WebCT.

Kudos to CIHR for efficient use of public resources and for quietly demonstrating professional use of OSS!


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Filed under government, Health, OSS, technology, tips and tools